This is the IUCN Red List, that defines status of the natural world considering the risk of global extinction.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is an organisation composed of both government and civil society organisations. They define if a species is in danger and built the Red List according to the 15 000 experts working for IUCN.

EX. Extinct:  No individual can be found on the planet.

EW. Extinct in the wild:  No more individuals living in the wild. 

CR. Critically Endangered:  extremely big risk for the species to move its classification to Extinct in the wild. 

EN. Endangered:  very high risk for the species to move its classification to extinct in the wild. 

VU. Vulnerable:  high risk for the species to move its classification to extinct in the wild. 

NT. Near Threatened:  Likely to move its classification to a threatened one (Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically Endangered). 

LC. Least concern:  It doesn’t meet the criteria for Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable or even Near Threatened. 

DD. Data Deficient:  A species is data deficient when there is too less information to make an assessment on its risks of extinction. 

Are we going to loose the Sea turtles?

The Loggerhead sea turtle is vulnerable.

The Green sea turtle is endangered. It is the only species sea turtle to be classified in this category.

The Leatherback sea turtle is vulnerable. Its back is made out of leather just like the name says.

The Hawksbill sea turtle is critically endangered. Critically endangered is the closest class to extinct for a Sea turtle. Two species are in this case: the Hawksbill and the Kemp’s ridley.

As already talked about earlier the Kemp’s ridley is a critically endangered sea turtle species.

The Olive Ridley sea turtle is classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN red list.

The seventh species of sea turtle in the world is the flatback sea turtle. The flatback is the only sea turtle that is not classified because there is not enough information about the species. All the other species of sea turtles live all around the world, the flatback thought lives only in Australia.

All species of sea turtles are threatened including two critically so there is a risk for them disappear from the wild.
